Video of Tartan Balls Past

The Grand March & Miss Bennet’s Jig

Our Guest of Honour, Michelle Dubé, and other Head Table guests, were very game and joined cheerfully in the fun.


Probably the greatest challenge for our guests.

Jessie’s Hornpipe

It helps to be tall.

To view a video full size, click on the small YouTube icon at bottom right of each preview frame.

The Castle Of Mey (2014)

Devised by John Walton of Hamilton: (reprise, 4 times through)

Last Of The Lairds (2013)
Shot 3 times through, enough to get the spirit of the dance.
Reel of the 51st Division (2013)
Traditionally danced by eight men. Reel men love to dance!

The Peat Road (The 50th Tartan Ball Dance): (2013)

Beautiful gowns, colourful kilts, dynamic music, high spirits

Rodney’s Rant

Fun and fellowship put to music.